‘The atmosphere of safety and an allowing attitude was superb.’ -Lotta Kupiainen, Yoga Instructor ‘Steve is quite calming and I felt safe and supported in the tremoring. No questions felt silly to ask. The science given was interesting without being confusing.’ -Laura...
About TRE
‘The new wellbeing craze of shaking’ TRE in The Sunday Times
TRE in The Sunday Times Style Magazine 'There’s some physiological logic behind shaking. “A noisy neighbour or an argument with your husband takes you down the same fear pathway as fleeing a tiger,” says Steve Haines, who runs TRE workshops at Triyoga in London. It’s...
TRE On The Radio: Bay FM Interviews Jo Hamilton
Jo Hamilton, TRE College tutor and supervisor, was invited to talk about TRE and Trauma Release on BayFm Radio in Devon with Howard James. If you’d like to know more about TRE and Shaking it off Naturally, you can listen to the interview here.
Firemen in Mexico use TRE for stress reduction
Who looks after the people who look after others? First responders (such as firemen, ambulance workers, and police), carers, and therapists consistenly report being overwhelmed by what they witness. The above new video from David Berceli is a great endorsement from...
Feedback from TRE London Level 1 2014 April 28-30
'It was brilliant and gave me a lot more than I was expecting. A great healing tool!' Katie Worsdall - Yoga Teacher. What did you like about the course: 'Everything.' Jerry Lunn - Consultant, Upstream Oil and Gas Exploration. What did you like about the course: 'The...
Self Regulation In TRE: Cheda Mikic
The focus of our last TRE class was on self-regulation and the way it leads to self-empowerment. The path of discovery through self-regulation and self-empowerment is essential not only in our inner search, healing and integration, but in every aspect of our lives:...
NEW: Dates set up for monthly London TRE groups to end of 2013
I have booked the new dates for the monthly TRE groups in London. The dates run through to the end of 2013. You can see the full list here The next group is on Monday 10th December 2012. Please email [email protected] to book a place.
NEW: One Day Workshop in Bath April 16th 2012
One day Introduction to TRE workshop at the 'Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Energy Medicine' Conference Description: The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Energy Medicine (ACPEM) warmly invites all interested health care professionals and...
Studying with David Berceli in Oslo
Just arrived home from three days with David Berceli in Oslo. I learnt loads. A quick list of some of highlights I can remember right now: Stay focused on self regulation. Stay with the body. 'Where is it in the body?'. The tremors reveal existing issues they do not...
Videos: TRE in Sudan, South Africa and China
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLXbACZqC9k] I am always impressed by how many countries and how many people David has work in and with. Above is a great video from Sudan. Below a video from China. There is also a very interesting and informative news piece...
TRE Video showing tremors
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPFbXdSGSkc] This short video gives some sense of the tremors that can occur after doing the tension and trauma releasing exercises.
The Ease of Trauma Release Exercises by David Berceli
This is copied from a blog by David Berceli. You can access the original blog here. I like it as I recognise the difficulty of trying to get people to sense their bodies. It can be done, and cranial work has much to offer to support body awareness, but TRE is more...