TRE Blog

Child shaking at her first deer hunt A slightly bizarre video if you are not used to hunting. However it is a great demonstration of trusting the body's natural tremors in response to the adrenaline surge of this young girls first deer hunt. The person who...

Successful First Level 1 TRE Workshop in Dublin

The first TRE Level 1 in Ireland went very well. People were fired up by the experience  of the tremors and many of the attendees are keen to go through the accreditation process. Hopefully that means that over the next year there should be more TRE available in...

NEW: One Day Workshop in Bath April 16th 2012

One day Introduction to TRE workshop at the 'Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Energy Medicine' Conference Description: The Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Energy Medicine (ACPEM) warmly invites all interested health care professionals and...

Surviving Trauma Can Make You Stronger

  'Ginsberg (1974) immobilized chicks, and then allowed one group to recover spontaneously, and one to recover, but with prodding and stimuli to terminate the freeze. These groups, along with a third group of chicks that had not been immobilized, were then tested...

TRE in Dublin, April 2012: New Level 1 Course

We are excited to announce a new  TRE Level 1 course in Dublin on April 13th to 15th 2012. The course will be run by Riccardo Cassiani Ingoni and Steve Haines. Title: TRE Dublin Level 1, April 13-15th 2012, 3 day TRE course with Riccardo Cassiani Ingoni and Steve...

Feedback on TRE Level 1 in London May 2011

[youtube=] The first Level 1 course in  London went really well. 21 people attended. It was a very international group, a couple of people coming from Malaysia and Singapore and others from Italy, Belgium and France. The video...

Great new video from David Berceli

There seem to be problems with linking to the video as of 7 jan 2012. The link is or you can search on youtube for 'body tremors david berceli' Apologies - I will try and work out what is going on and correct, Steve...

Directions to venue for May workshop

You can see directions to the venue here. We are in the Marie Eugenie room. The room is signposted but is in an annex after you go through the main building. The days start at 9.30 and finish at 5.30 except for Sunday where we will aim to finish at 4.00pm. There is no...

Studying with David Berceli in Oslo

Just arrived home from three days with David Berceli in Oslo. I learnt loads. A quick list of some of  highlights I can remember right now: Stay focused on self regulation. Stay with the body. 'Where is it in the body?'. The tremors reveal existing issues they do not...

Videos: TRE in Sudan, South Africa and China

[youtube=] I am always impressed by how many countries and how many people David has work in and with. Above is a great video from Sudan. Below a video from China. There is also a very interesting and informative news piece...

Some books with a shaking theme

I read Peter Levine's new book, In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness, over christmas - it is excellent. He has a very nice, and new, framing of emotion as a blocked or incomplete response. If we follow William James's model of...

TRE in London update

I am off to Norway today for a 3 day workshop with David Berceli. Hopefully it should be one of the last pieces in my TRE training. It will be great to see David in action again. I will be presenting a short piece on fascia and how it is involved in the trauma...

About TRE in London

David Berceli's tension and trauma releasing exercises are an amazing tool for helping the body let go of deep, chronic patterns. They are remarkably simple and the process of change they facilitate is very easy to self regulate. The goal of the exercises is to start...