TRE Blog

TRE London has moved to TRE College

TRE London has moved to TRE College

Welcome to the new home of TRE London - The TRE events run by Steve Haines and colleagues have expanded - there are now courses in Ireland and Zurich as well as London and new groups in Greenwich and Westminster as well as Finsbury Park. The new...

Feedback from TRE Module 1, London, 24-26 Aug

Feedback from TRE Module 1, London, 24-26 Aug

The recent Module 1 in London at Triyoga went really well. 25 people safely exploring tremors. Lots of people from different parts of the world, including participants travelling from Bombay, Prague, Dubai, Copenhagen and Geneva. Here are some of the comments on the...

Firemen in Mexico use TRE for stress reduction

Firemen in Mexico use TRE for stress reduction

Who looks after the people who look after others? First responders (such as firemen, ambulance workers, and police), carers, and therapists consistenly report being overwhelmed by what they witness. The above new video from David Berceli is a great endorsement from...

NEW: Dates for TRE courses in 2015 confirmed

NEW: Dates for TRE courses in 2015 confirmed

Some Dates For Your Diary TRE Module 1: 4-6 Feb 2015, Triyoga, Camden, London. Open to everyone. TRE Module 2: 29 Apr-1 May 2015, Diorama, Euston, London (Sunshine Room, with big windows). For people in the TRE Certified Provider training program only. TRE Module 1:...

Steve Haines: Interview with Liberated Body

Steve Haines: Interview with Liberated Body

Body Maps and Interoception Click below for an interview I did with the wonderful Brooke Thomas. Brooke runs the Liberated Body website: 'Liberated Body is 100% in service of helping people to reduce or eliminate pain, normalize range of motion, and embrace their...

TRE Edinburgh Level 1 July 2014 with Riccardo

TRE Edinburgh Level 1 July 2014 with Riccardo

Riccardo is running a TRE Level 1 in Edinburgh in July 2014. Dates: Fri 11 to Sun 13 July 2014, 9.30 to 5.30 (with a 4.30 finish on Sun) Venue: Conan Doyle Centre, 25 Palmerston Place, Edinburgh, EH12 5AP Cost: £330, early bird rate of 10% off till 15th March. Book...

Self Regulation In TRE: Cheda Mikic

The focus of our last TRE class was on self-regulation and the way it leads to self-empowerment. The path of discovery through self-regulation and self-empowerment is essential not only in our inner search, healing and integration, but in every aspect of our lives:...

Article on TRE in The Daily Mail Well done to Caroline Purvey for getting the article published - her website is There is a small, but growing, community of...

NEW: More London TRE groups with Cheda Mikic

The groups have proved very popular over the last couple of years. I am pleased to announce that there will now be approximately two groups a month. Cheda Mikic, Level II TRE Trainer, will be running the extra groups. I know Cheda well as a craniosacral therapy...

TRE in Traditional Culture Lovely video of TRE in a traditional cultural setting, I think in Brazil, but not sure. There is a nice description in the commentary of integrating a spiritual journey into the TRE process.