This is copied from a blog by David Berceli. You can access the original blog here. I like it as I recognise the difficulty of trying to get people to sense their bodies. It can be done, and cranial work has much to offer to support body awareness, but TRE is more radical. Once the tremors are occurring there is not much else to do, except maybe remembering to breathe.

‘Many times clients have come to me telling me that many spiritual books, gurus, guides, coaches, etc., give them mental exercises to try to ‘sense’ their bodies, ‘feel’ the tension inside, ‘imagine’ being calm or ‘focus’ on your tension. This is a true and positive way to guide people to eliminate tension and restore calmness. But for many traumatized people, this cognitive method of directing the brain to observe the body is an impossibility. Their brain’s ability to be this refined in their thinking processes has been disturbed. If they are not able to perform these mental functions, it often leaves the individual feel more helpless and hopeless.

The TRE Process is a way out of this cognitive dilemma. Instead of simply reading a book and trying to use reflective exercises, this book provides an amazing alternative. This book contains physical exercises designed to elicit a natural response in the body that organically leads the individual to deeper feelings and sensations in their body.

What is most useful is that when using these exercises, the cognitive process is actually unnecessary. The individual can actually daydream, watch TV, listen to their favorite music, etc. There is no cognition necessary because the TRE process actually does the work for the person. It releases stress without having to ‘work at it’ or ‘think about it’. As it reduces stress, it allows the individual to begin to physically ‘feel , ‘sense’ and ‘inhabit’ ‘their body without having to try. It is the natural outcome of TRE Process.

By coming into their bodily sensations without having to cognitively try to do so, feelings of defeat, hopelessness and helplessness are replaced by feelings of success, hope and self-empowerment.’ David Berceli

Aug 28, 2010